Everything You Need To Know About the Ojos Azules Cat | Ojos Azules


A complete guide to learning about the rare and unique breed of cat known as the Ojos Azules Cat. Learn all there is to know about its history, physical characteristics, personality traits, and much more! The Ojos Azules, or “blue eyes” in Spanish, is a rare and unique cat breed with striking blue eyes. This breed originated in New Mexico in the United States back in 1984 and is known for its stunning silver-blue coat and brilliant blue eyes. In this article, we will delve into all the fascinating facts about the Ojos Azules cat breed.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look Ojos Azules Cat

The Ojos Azules is a relatively new breed, so there is not much information available about them. However, we have compiled everything you need to know about this beautiful and mysterious cat. We will cover their history, appearance, personality, health, and more.

History of Ojos Azules

The history of the Ojos Azules cat is quite mysterious. It is believed that they originated from a single female cat with blue eyes in New Mexico in the 1980s. The first recorded Ojos Azules litter was born in 1984 and the breed was officially recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1991. Weighing only 6-10 pounds, these cats may be small in size but they are big in personality. The name “Ojos Azules” translates to “blue eyes” in Spanish, which is a nod to their unique and striking eye color.

Physical Characteristics

The Ojos Azules cat is a medium-sized breed with a distinctive round face, large ears, and a short coat. Their most notable feature is their mesmerizing blue eyes which can range from light sky blue to deep sapphire. They have a muscular build and come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, including solid, tabby, tortoiseshell, and more. The kittens are born with blue eyes and it takes about 6-8 weeks for their true eye color to develop. It is not unusual for an Ojos Azules cat to have one blue eye and one amber or green eye, which only adds to their unique charm.

Personality and Temperament

The Ojos Azules is known for its friendly and affectionate nature. They are sociable cats that love to be around their owners and will often follow them from room to room. This breed is also known for its intelligence, making them easy to train and teach tricks. They are not particularly vocal cats but will communicate with soft mewing sounds when they want attention or are anxious. We highly recommend this breed for families with children or other pets, as they get along well with everyone. We do advise, though, that they are indoor cats as they can be easily startled and may run away.


The Ojos Azules is a low maintenance breed that requires minimal grooming. Their short, silky coats do not shed excessively, making them ideal for those with allergies. They are also known for being clean cats and will groom themselves often.

As with any cat, we recommend clipping their nails regularly to avoid them becoming too long and causing discomfort. They also need a high-quality diet to maintain their overall health and well-being. We suggest consulting with a veterinarian for specific dietary recommendations.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look Ojos Azules Cat

History of Ojos Azules Cat

The Ojos Azules cat breed was discovered in New Mexico by a rancher named, Virginia Daly. In 1984, while working on her farm, Daly noticed a stray female cat with piercing blue eyes and decided to bring her home. She later bred the cat with male cats from the farm and noticed that some of the kittens also had striking blue eyes.

This was the start of the Ojos Azules breed. We have to note that the gene responsible for their blue eyes is a dominant gene, which means even if one parent carries it, there is a high chance of passing it on to the offspring. The Ojos Azules is still a relatively rare breed, with only around 100 registered cats in the world.

The Breed Standard

The Ojos Azules is a medium-sized cat breed, with males weighing between 8-10 pounds and females weighing between 6-8 pounds. They have a muscular build with long legs, giving them an elegant appearance. The most striking feature of this breed is their piercing blue eyes, which can range from light to dark shades. Their coat is short, fine, and soft to the touch.

The most common coat color is silver-blue, but they can also come in black, white, or tabby patterns. We do have to mention that not all Ojos Azules cats will have blue eyes, as sometimes they can be born with green or yellow eyes. However, the blue-eyed Ojos Azules is what sets this breed apart from others.

Final Thoughts

The Ojos Azules is a rare and beautiful breed that makes a great companion for any household. They are intelligent, friendly, and easy to care for, making them suitable for first-time cat owners. We always recommend adopting from shelters or rescue organizations as there may be an Ojos Azules in need of a loving home.

We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need to know about this stunning and unique breed of cat. If you do decide to welcome an Ojos Azules into your family, we are confident that they will bring love and joy into your life for years to come. 


Q: Are Ojos Azules cats hypoallergenic?

A: While no cat is truly hypoallergenic, the Ojos Azules breed is known for producing less of the allergen protein in their saliva, making them suitable for those with allergies.

Q: Do all Ojos Azules cats have blue eyes?

A: No, not all Ojos Azules cats will have blue eyes. Some may have green or yellow eyes, but the majority of this breed has striking blue eyes.

Q: Are Ojos Azules cats good with children and other pets?

A: Yes, the Ojos Azules is known for being a friendly and sociable breed that gets along well with everyone, including children and other pets.

Q: How much does an Ojos Azules cat cost?

A: Due to their rarity, Ojos Azules cats can be quite expensive. Prices can range from $500-$1500, depending on the breeder and location. We recommend adopting from shelters or rescue organizations as a more affordable option.

Q: Are Ojos Azules cats indoor or outdoor cats?

A: We highly recommend keeping the Ojos Azules breed indoors to prevent them from running away or getting into accidents. They are easily startled and can be skittish outdoors.  End of FAQ section (Please remove this comment if you reach end of document)


In conclusion, the Ojos Azules cat breed is a rare and unique feline with striking blue eyes. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, making them great companions for families with children or other pets. This low-maintenance breed requires minimal grooming and a high-quality diet to maintain their overall health. The history of this breed is still relatively unknown, but thanks to the work of dedicated breeders, they are becoming more recognized and beloved by cat lovers. We hope this article has provided you with all the information you need to know about the Ojos Azules cat breed. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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