8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

Discover 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies. 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies. Explore various breeds, learn about their low allergen levels, and find tips on care and maintenance. Find your perfect feline companion today! Are you an allergy sufferer longing to experience the joys of owning a cat? Look no further!

We’ve compiled a list of 8 hypoallergenic cat breeds that are perfect for people with allergies. These breeds have low allergen levels, making it easier for you to enjoy the companionship of a feline friend without the pesky allergy symptoms. Let’s explore these hypoallergenic breeds and find your perfect match.


Hypoallergenic cats are breeds that produce fewer allergens compared to other cat breeds. This is due to their unique genetic makeup, which makes them more suitable for people with allergies. These breeds have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people are looking for ways to manage their allergies while still being able to own a pet. We’ve taken the time to research and compile a list of 8 hypoallergenic cat breeds that are perfect for allergy sufferers. The best part? These breeds are not only low in allergens but also come with amazing personalities and characteristics that make them wonderful companions.

Top 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

1. Devon Rex Cats

The Devon Rex is a breed known for its soft, curly coat and affectionate personality. They shed very little and have minimal dander, making them ideal for allergy sufferers. Their playful and loving nature also makes them great companions. We’re sure you’ll fall in love with these adorable cats. The only downside is that they require regular grooming to keep their coat in top condition.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

2. Burmese Cats

Burmese cats have a short, silky coat that rarely sheds and produces minimal dander. They are also known for their intelligence and outgoing personalities, making them perfect for households with children and other pets. The Burmese breed is also low maintenance, requiring minimal grooming. We’re sure you’ll love their playful and affectionate nature.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

3. Bengal Cats

If you’re looking for a more exotic cat breed, the Bengal might be perfect for you. These cats have a wild appearance with their striped coats and spotted markings. Despite their wild look, they have minimal shedding and are considered hypoallergenic due to their low levels of the Fel d 1 protein, which is responsible for most allergic reactions. Bengals are also known for their athletic and energetic personalities, so be prepared for lots of playtime!

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

4. Sphynx Cats

One of the most well-known hypoallergenic cat breeds is the Sphynx. These hairless cats have minimal shedding and produce less dander than other breeds, making them ideal for allergy sufferers. They are also very affectionate and love to cuddle with their owners. Keep in mind that they do require regular baths to keep their skin clean, but it’s a small price to pay for such an amazing companion.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergiesv

5. Russian Blue Cats

The Russian Blue is a striking breed known for its beautiful blue coat and emerald green eyes. They have minimal shedding and produce less dander, making them an excellent choice for people with allergies. These cats are also intelligent and independent, but they still enjoy spending time with their owners. Just be prepared to give them some space when they need it.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

6. Siberian Cats

One of the largest hypoallergenic cat breeds is the Siberian. Despite their size, they have a thick, low-shedding coat that produces less dander than other breeds. They are also known for their gentle and affectionate personalities, making them great family pets. Just make sure to groom them regularly to keep their coat in good condition.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

7. Javanese Cats

The Javanese cat is a cross between the Balinese and Siamese breeds. They have a long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to prevent matting. However, they are considered hypoallergenic due to their minimal shedding and low levels of dander. They are also known for their playful and talkative nature, making them great companions. We’re sure you’ll love their unique appearance and charming personalities.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

8. Cornish Rex Cats

Lastly, we have the Cornish Rex breed, known for its soft, curly coat and playful personality. These cats shed very little and produce less dander than other breeds, making them suitable for allergy sufferers. They are also highly intelligent and love to play, making them great companions for families with children.

The purpose of this image is to show how to look 8 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for People with Allergies

Tips For Minimizing Cat Allergens

  • Regular grooming: Grooming your cat regularly can help remove excess hair and dander, reducing the amount of allergens in your home.
  • Keep your home clean: Vacuum and dust frequently to minimize the build-up of allergens in your home.
  • Invest in an air purifier: An air purifier with a HEPA filter can help remove allergens from the air, providing relief for allergy sufferers.
  • Keep your cat out of the bedroom: Designate a cat-free zone in your home, such as your bedroom, to minimize exposure to allergens while you sleep.
  • Wash your hands after handling your cat: This can help prevent transferring allergens to other parts of your body or surfaces in your home.
  • Consider allergy shots: If you’re still struggling with cat allergies, talk to your doctor about potential allergy shots that can help build up your tolerance over time.

With these tips and a hypoallergenic cat breed, you can finally enjoy the love and companionship of a furry friend without worrying about pesky allergy symptoms. So what are you waiting for? Adopt a hypoallergenic cat today and experience all the joys of being a cat owner! 

Final Thoughts

Hypoallergenic cat breeds are a great option for people with allergies who still want to own a pet. Not only do they produce less allergens, but they also come with unique personalities and characteristics that make them wonderful companions. Do your research and find the perfect hypoallergenic cat breed for you, and don’t forget to follow our tips for minimizing allergens in your home. With a hypoallergenic cat by your side, you can enjoy all the benefits of owning a cat without the unwanted sneezing and itching. So what are you waiting for? Adopt a hypoallergenic cat today and experience all the joys of being a cat owner.


Q: Are all hypoallergenic cats completely allergen-free?

A: While hypoallergenic cat breeds produce less allergens than other breeds, no cat is entirely allergen-free. It’s essential to spend time with the specific breed you’re interested in and see how your allergies react before adopting one.

Q: Can I still be allergic to a hypoallergenic cat?

A: It’s possible to still have an allergic reaction to a hypoallergenic cat, as everyone’s allergies are different. However, these breeds tend to produce less of the allergen-causing protein, making them a better option for allergy sufferers.

Q: Are there other ways to reduce cat allergens in my home?

A: Yes! Along with regular grooming and keeping a clean home, certain supplements or medications may help alleviate allergy symptoms. Consult with your doctor for more information.

Q: Can hypoallergenic cats still shed?

A: Yes, all cats will shed to some extent. However, hypoallergenic breeds tend to have lower levels of shedding and produce less dander, making them more suitable for people with allergies.

Q: Are hypoallergenic cats more expensive?

A: Not necessarily. While some breeds may be more expensive due to their rarity, many hypoallergenic cats can be adopted from shelters at a lower cost. It’s essential to do your research and consider all factors before adopting any pet.


Hypoallergenic cats offer a fantastic solution for people who love cats but struggle with allergies. With their unique characteristics and lovable personalities, these breeds make great companions for individuals or families alike. Remember to do your research, follow our tips for minimizing allergens in your home, and consult with a doctor if needed. With the right measures in place, you can finally enjoy the love and companionship of a cat without the unwanted symptoms. So go ahead and adopt a hypoallergenic cat today! We promise you won’t regret it. So what are you waiting for? Adopt a hypoallergenic cat today and experience all the joys of being a cat owner! 

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